But a common external tariff exists for non-EEC countries. 但是对非共同体的国家则实行统一的对外税则。
In a customs union, internal tariffs are eliminated and the member countries form a single customs territory with a common external tariff. 关税同盟中,其内部关税免除,成员国建立一个对于共同的外来关税的单一的海关边界。
A less common tariff is an export tariff, which is a tax imposed on an exported product. 出口关税是一种不常用的关税,即对出口商品征收的关税。
Its distinguishing feature, a common external tariff, began to affect American products. 它特有的共同对外关税对美国产品开始发生影响。
They share a similar set of laws and regulations to those used in Hong Kong which has retained the English common law system. The assets also usually operate under a regulated tariff regime, making returns steady. 它们的法律法规与香港相似香港仍保留着英国普通法体系,而且这些资产通常在受到监管的关税制度下运营,收益稳定。
The report notes that there was a decrease in tariff protection following the implementation, in2003, of the common external tariff of the Gulf Cooperation Council ( GCC) of which Bahrain is a member. 报告注意到,巴林在2003年实施了海湾合作委员会(巴林是其成员)的共同对外关税后,关税保护有所减少。
Antidumping becomes a most common and effective measure to safeguard fair trading environment, reject unfair competition and protect domestic industries among WTO members with the decrease of tariff and gradual falling of non tariff wall. 随着关税降低及非关税壁垒的逐步减少,反倾销逐步演变成为世界贸易组织各成员最普遍采用的维护公平贸易环境、抵制不公平竞争、保护国内产业的一种重要和有效的贸易保护措施。
Its eastward expansion means not only the extension of common tariff region but the significant change of admittance conditions to Middle/ East European market. 欧盟的扩大,意味着欧盟这一共同关税区的扩大,特别是中东欧市场的准入条件将发生重大的变化。
For the products out of EU, to carry out common tariff and to target price, and to restrict import so that EU can protect its agricultural market from the influence of the world market and develop its own agricultural production. 对外实行共同关税和目标价格,限制进口,保护内部农产品市场免受世界市场的影响,加快本地区农业的发展。
Common external tariff, rules of origin, and competition rules are tools employed by customs union to protect its internal interests. Meanwhile, multilateral disciplines restrict the protection in case to derogate the multilateral rules. 对外共同关税、原产地规则和竞争规则是关税同盟为了保护内部利益而经常采用的贸易限制工具,同样补偿性谈判和争端解决被认为是维护多边纪律的重要制度。